中国大学MOOC: What is the Chinese equivalent of unit train?
- What is the Chinese equivalent of "unit train"? A: 动车 B: 高速列车 C: 直达列车 D: 单元列车
- What do TEU and FEU mean? A: TEU= Forty-foot equivalent unit; FEU= Twenty-foot equivalent unit B: TEU= Twenty-foot equivalent unit; FEU= Forty-foot equivalent unit C: TEU= Fourteen-foot equivalent unit; FEU= Twelve-foot equivalent unit D: TEU= Twelve-foot equivalent unit; FEU= Fourteen-foot equivalent unit
- 中国大学MOOC: What can we learn about Chinese square dancing from this unit?
- What’s the Chinese equivalent of From?
- What’s the Chinese equivalent of sign in?