- Choose the best translation of “give him an A for effort” .
- Choose the best translation of “He bend his mind to the job, but got an A for effort .”
- QoS 的三种模型分别是指( )。 A: RouterServ(路由服务Router service)模型 B: Best-Effort(尽力转发服务Best-Effortservice)模型 C: intServ(综合服务Integrated service)模型 D: Diffserv(区分服务Differentiated service)模型
- ______ difficult it may be, do you best to accomplish it.无论有多难,请尽力完成。 A: How B: However
- 下面关于IP协议哪些是正确的? A: IP协议提供尽力发送(best effort)服务 B: IP提供不可靠、无连接的数据报传送服务 C: IP协议根据其版本分为IPv4和IPv6协议 D: IP是TCP/IP 协议族中最为核心的协议