• 2022-05-31
    The most luxury metro in the world is in _____.
  • Paris


    • 0

      The most hunger today in the world is in().

    • 1

      过去,拥有一辆私家车对大部分中国人而言是件奢侈的事。如今,私家车在中国随处可见。 A: A private car was a luxury for most Chinese people, while today they can be seen everywhere in China. B: A private car was a luxury for most Chinese people, today they can be seen everywhere in China. C: A private car was expensive for most Chinese people, while today they can be seen everywhere in China. D: A private car was a luxury for most Chinese people, for today they can be seen everywhere in China.

    • 2

      Disney World is the most popular ___ in the world.

    • 3

      Which sport is the most popular in the world?

    • 4

      Rolls-Royce is world famous for() A: machine tools B: household appliances C: luxury automobiles D: high-quality knives and hand tool