• 2022-05-31
    What term is used for feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions? ( )
    A: affect
    B: emotions
    C: emotions
    D: thoughts
    E: moods
  • E


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      Methods of aesthetic self-practice include the following EXCEPT ( ) A: Ways of regulating emotions B: Ways of modifying emotions C: Ways of enjoying emotions D: Ways of enriching emotions

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      Nonverbal communication is conveying of emotions, feelings, and messages through actions rather than ________ . A: words B: language C: kinesics D: space

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      Nonverbal communication is conveying of emotions, feelings, and messages through actions rather than ( ) 。 A: space B: kinesic C: words D: language

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      Which emotions are easier to communicate than others

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following thoughts and emotions suggests a low pitch?