• 2022-05-31
    Old Henry is so lonely that he hopes to know about ____ every day.
    A: special something
    B: special anything
    C: something special
    D: anything special
  • C


    • 0

      What was so special about the costumes?

    • 1

      So, that’s two kilos of apples and two melons. That’s £4.50 ________. A: anything B: altogether C: special D: shopping

    • 2

      Nancy: Do you have anything special to do this afternoon? Bill: __________________.

    • 3

      celebration<br/>( ) A: a<br/>party anything else that people do to honor a special event. B: a<br/>piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round. C: the<br/>food baked in such a dish. D: in<br/>or to every part of something or during every part of something.

    • 4

      ——Was it a special day?——Yes, it my wedding day. A: is B: were C: was