- After the serous accident, Tom’s wife _______ (照料) his back to health.
- After the serous accident, Tom’s wife _______ (照料) his back to health. A: mastered B: matured C: nursed D: nurtured
- 依据对吴奶奶的评估信息,照护人员了日常生活照料中应特别注意( ) A: 进食照料 B: 清洁照料 C: 排泄照料 D: 睡眠照料 E: 活动照料
- 对于下列Tom类,哪个叙述是正确的 public class Test { public static void main(String args[]){ Tom cat1 = new Tom(); Tom cat2 = new Tom(100); } } class Tom { void Tom{ System.out.print("hello"); } Tom(int n){ System.out.print(n); } }
- Why can’t the woman talk to Tom now A: Tom is terribly ill. B: Tom is in low spirits. C: Tom is bad-tempered. D: Tom is nervous at the moment.