• 2022-05-31
    Joansangwhileshe walkedalong,witha book in her left hand.ABCD
  • (A, was singing)


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      The people of Malay, India or Indonesian greet, wave or eat with their _____ hand, but use their _____ hand with the bathroom. A: right, left B: left, right C: left, left D: right, right

    • 1

      The server serves with the right hand, and picks up with the left hand

    • 2

      The bride places the wedding ring on her fourth finger of the right hand; while the groom places the wedding ring on his fourth finger of the left hand.

    • 3


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      It is best way to receive the business card with _________ when making presentation.    A: A. the right hand     B: B. the left hand   C:  C. both hands D: D. the right or left hand