• 2021-04-14
  • 第一空:tube第二空:1.09第三空:bars第四空:0.85第五空:tube第六空:1.39第七空:bottle第八空:0.79第九空:box第十空:0.99第十一空:0.29第十二空:stick第十三空:0.98第十四空:tube第十五空:0.89第十六空:package第十七空:0.69


    • 0

      Of these three, which one is the most brutal explanation?. A: fire B: restructure C: let people go D: sack

    • 1

      On a narrow path, step aside ( ) steps to let others pass. A: one B: two C: three D: many

    • 2

      以下对枚举类型的定义中正确的是() A: enum a={one,two,three}; B: enum a{one,two,three}; C: enum a={“one”,”two”,”three”}; D: enum a{“ one”,”two”,”three”};

    • 3

      以下对枚举类型定义正确的是______。 A: enumnum={one,two,three}; B: enumnum{one=9,two=18,three}; C: enumnum={"one","two","three"}; D: enumnum{"one","two","three"};

    • 4

      Let’s meet in _______ time. A: one week B: two weeks C: three week’s D: four weeks’