• 2022-05-31
    Thosewho hearing lossare at a disadvantage, because they are unable to get everyday sound signals.
    A: decorate
    B: endure
    C: overflow
    D: weigh
  • B


    • 0

      Basketball is liked by many people, but it is not to everyone's ______. A: hearing B: taste C: sound D: smell

    • 1

      Why did the number of complaints drop A: Because they got poor reception. B: Because the humidity was interfering with the signals. C: Because there came a blast of dry air. D: Because humidity increased rapidly in the region.

    • 2

      There are many ways to receive television signals. What is the latest way to receive television signals in the passage A: Cable network. B: Satellite dish antennas. C: Electrons. D: Wires.

    • 3

      She will be unable to attend it because of a engagement.

    • 4

      Jones has____that she is unable to get a job.