• 2022-05-31
    中国大学MOOC: The Double Seventh Festival has been listed as ________________.
  • National Intangible Cultural Heritage


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      In 1989, the Chinese government designated ______ as “Senior Citizens’ Day”. A: the Qingming Festival B: the Double Seventh Festival C: the Double Ninth Festival D: the Lantern Festival

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      The Double Seventh Festival falls on July 7th in the lunar calendar.

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      ________are all Chinese traditional festivals based on lunar calendar. A: Double Ninth Festival B: Lantern Festival C: Double Seventh Festival D: Dragon Boat Festival

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      The Double Seventh Festival is also called ___________. A: Daughters’ Festival B: Sons’ Festival C: Girl’s Festival D: Qiqiao Festival

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      The ____ Festival has a<br/>history of more than 1,700 years. it is also the Senior Citizens’<br/>Day in China. A: Double-Ninth B: Double<br/>Seventh C: Lantern Festival D: Qingming