• 2022-05-31
    He has a very good computer skill, so he ______computer.
    A: good command of
    B: is good
    C: is skillful with
    D: is well up
  • C


    • 0

      Daniel is a_______ basketball player. He plays basketball______. A: good; good B: good; well C: well; good D: well; well

    • 1

      He is ______ teacher that all of us like him. A: such good a B: a so good C: so good a D: a such good

    • 2

      Zhang Liang has never used ____ a good computer ____ . A: so, ago B: so, before C: such, ago D: such, before

    • 3

      B6 Conversation 2 Test 2What makes Liu Xiang different from some other Chinese athletes? A: He is in excellent physical condition. B: He is very talented. C: He has a very good coach. D: He has good teammates. E: He is very diligent. F: He has been trained overseas.

    • 4

      He has done a job which is _____as the one I have done. A: as well B: as good C: as better D: so best