• 2022-05-31
    Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank.existing line / dedicated lineA. The high-speed train runs exclusively on a(n) __________________.B. The high-speed train shares a(n) _______________________.
  • dedicated line# existing line


    • 0

      A _______ line is a track used exclusively for a high-speed train. A: train B: track C: welded D: dedicated

    • 1

      Which of the following is a possible cause of the event "the high speed train is underdeveloped in the US"? A: Americans don't like the high speed train. B: Highway network is advanced. C: The geography is unsuitable for the high speed train. D: The high speed train damages environment.

    • 2

      智慧职教: Topic 26 Session 1 4-2 Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 2-B _______________________________ identifies problems.

    • 3

      The main factors which affect the pressure wave when two high-speed trains meet: A: The speed of the meeting trains B: The streamline degree of train C: Line spacing D: Train marshalling form E: Train power distribution form F: Train traction power supply mode

    • 4

      High-speed rail is a passenger train system. It is designed for high ____ of speed. A: ates B: way