age of a child weighing 12kg, 85cm in length, 48cm in head
circumference, and 49cm in chest circumference is ()
A: nine months
B: 11 months
C: 15 months
D: 2 years old
E: 3 years old
age of a child weighing 12kg, 85cm in length, 48cm in head
circumference, and 49cm in chest circumference is ()
A: nine months
B: 11 months
C: 15 months
D: 2 years old
E: 3 years old
- The appropriate age for unilateral cleft lip repair is ( ) A: one to two months old B: three to six months old C: one to two years old D: three to six years old
- When dose craniotabes occur in rickets ( ) A: 1 to 3 months of age B: 1 to 1.5 years of age C: 6 to 12 months of age D: 3 to 6 months of age E: 1.5 to 2 years of age
- What is the head circumference when an infant is about 2 years old?
- Visual acuity improves gradually and is emmetropia at ( ) A: 6 months old B: 3 years old C: 4 years old D: 5 years old
- Under normal circumstances, a child's bust circumference is approximately equal to the head circumference at the age of one year. The head circumference begins to exceed the bust circumference after one year old