Apollo set the constellation of Orion in the heavens.
- Orion (astronomy), constellation 1.__________ on the celestial equator east of Taurus. It is an oblong configuration with three stars in line near its center. It is 2.__________on pictorial charts as the figure of Orion, the hunter in Greek mythology, standing with uplifted club. Three bright stars represent his belt and three 3. __________ stars aligned south of the belt represent his sword. Alpha (α) Orionis, or Betelgeuse, is located in the left corner of the oblong, 4.__________ to Orion's shoulder. Beta (β) Orionis, or Rigel, is diagonally opposite Betelgeuse. A nebula 5.__________surrounding the three stars marking Orion's sword is one of the most conspicuous bright nebulas in the heavens.
- The gods who ruled the heavens, the ocean and the Underworld, respectively, were( )。 A: Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn B: Jupiter, Apollo and Pluto C: Jupiter, Apollo and Neptune D: Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto
- The great King of the Gods, ruler of Olympus and the Heavens was ().Poseidon (波塞冬) ; Apollo (阿波罗) ;Zeus (宙斯);Hermes (赫尔墨斯) ;Hera (赫拉);Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯);. Athena(雅典娜)
- 7. What is the constellation diagram?
- Constellation can also be called zodiac sign.