• 2022-05-31
    A: 庆祝
    B: 名人
  • B


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      celebrity A: n. 恐惧;可怕的人或事 B: n. 名人;名声 C: n. 战斗;搏斗 未知类型:{'url': 'https://nodestatic-ali.fbstatic.cn/static-files/1625559562101_celebrity', 'audioId': '1625559562101_celebrity', 'duration': 1, 'type': 185}

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      celebrity _________

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      internet celebrity ______

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      The hero created himself;the celebrity is created by the media. A: The hero was admired for what they had done for society;the celebrity burst onto the scene by the work of the media. B: The hero made it through their own efforts;the celebrity achieves fame because of his good relations with the media. C: The hero of the past was active;today's celebrity is passive. D: The hero publicized himself;the celebrity is publicized by the media

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      The synonym of 'celebrity' is 'fame'.