• 2022-05-31
    A: cleanup
    B: dowith
    C: discard
    D: handle
  • C


    • 0

      Peoplewho live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    • 1

      In the given situation, which one of the instructions is correct?The left handle has to be turned to the right, and then the right handle has to be turned to the left. A: Turn the handles left and right B: Turn the left handle to the right, then turn the right handle to the left C: Turn both handles in the opposite directions D: Turn the left handle to the left, then turn the right handle to the right

    • 2

      Beforewemove,weshould________someoftheoldfurniture,sothatwecanhavemoreroominthenewhouse. A: cancel B: conceal C: discard D: dissipate

    • 3

      Memos routine matters. A: are used to handling B: are used to handle C: used to handle D: used to handling

    • 4

      As known to all,there are some peoplewho are________ to flowers or seafood. A: allergic B: tedious C: absorbed D: earnest