- Peoplewho live in glass houses should not throw stones.
- 中国大学MOOC:Studythefollowingabbreviatedessayoutline.Thenchoosethemostappropriateconcludingparagraph.Whencomputingtechnologyismakinganever-increasingimpactonmanyaspectsoftheproductionandlifeofmankind,computershavebeenwidelyappliedinalmosteveryfield.However,thequestionofwhethertherearemorebenefitsthandrawbacksforyoungchildrenusingacomputereverydayhastriggeredawidedebate.AsfarasIamconcerned,Itendtobelievethattheadvantagesoutweighdisadvantagesforthefollowingreasons.Foronething,inmodernsociety,computerisusedinmanydifferentfieldssuchashealth,educationandbusiness.Ithasbecomeanindispensablepartinourlife…Foranotherthing,somecomputerknowledgeisrequiredforthejob,sogreatimportanceshouldbeattachedtoit.Somepeopleconsiderthatitisnotgoodforchildrentousecomputereveryday,becausesittinginfrontofascreenfortoolongcandamageboththeeyesandthephysicalpostureofyoungchildren.Butwecancopewiththisproblembylimitingthetimeofusingcomputersandgivingpropersupervisionforthem…...
- Which of the following styles belong to the eight famous architecturial styles in China?
- Compared with Rococo styles, Baroque styles tend to be much softer and lighter.
- She asked him if ___________________ (he would marry her, would he marry her).
- 0
It's said that she is going to ________ to a foreigner. A: be married B: be marrying C: marry D: not marry
- 1
The old couple wanted to see their daughter () the young manager. A: marry B: marrying C: to marry D: married
- 2
It is the _____ in that country for women to marry young.
- 3
Jenny and Marry planned to pay a visit to _New_York___in 2018. (就划线部分提问) A: Where do Jenny and Marry planned to pay a visit toin 2018? B: Where did Jenny and Marry plan to pay a visit toin 2018? C: Where did Jenny and Marry planned to pay a visit toin 2018?
- 4
The styles of Western classical gardens are ( )