• 2022-05-29
    I suggest to him that we _______ the trouble in another way.
    A: tackled
    B: tackle
    C: would tackle
    D: will tackle
  • B


    • 0

      We must_____the problem of poverty as soon as possible. A: abolish B: tackle C: remove D: encounter

    • 1

      This would enable us to ______ the current crisis and promote economic recovery and growth. A: tackle B: tab C: tickle D: trickle

    • 2

      ‌下列何种术语不属于集装箱整箱接受、拆箱交付方式( )。​ A: DOOR TO CY B: DOOR TO CFS C: TACKLE TO CFS D: CY TO TACKLE

    • 3

      下列何种术语不属于集装箱整箱接受、拆箱交付方式()。 A: DOOR/CY B: DOOR/CFS C: TACKLE/CFS D: CY/TACKLE

    • 4

      Much was _____ (新奇的) to him, for he had little experience of the world and had no idea about how to tackle interpersonal relations.