• 2022-05-29
    ​6.________________ (Don't capitalize the first letter)‍​[img=770x851]1802fbde565c292.png[/img]‍
  • exercise


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      2. ____________________(Don't capitalize the first letter)[img=770x851]1802df9949f63c1.png[/img]

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      3. ________________(Don't capitalize the first letter)[img=681x756]1802df9a0e1b9cf.png[/img]

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      ‏3. ________________(Don't capitalize the first letter)[img=681x756]1802fbdd9b3ab55.png[/img]‍

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      Direction: Watchi Video 2 and take notes. Complete the following visual notes about how to build up your network of memory with the information of the analogical explanation in your notes.____________________(Don't capitalize the first letter.)[img=770x851]17de91b4d9549cf.png[/img]

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      ‌‍‌Direction: Watchi Video 2 and take notes. Complete the following visual notes about how to build up your network of memory with the information of the analogical explanation in your notes.‍‌____________________(Don't capitalize the first letter.)‍‌[img=770x851]1802fbddf1d5667.png[/img]‍