• 2022-05-29
    All of the following statements are correct, except_____.
    A: Even though Zhuangzi and Hui Shi were best friends, they still had quarrels and disagreements
    B: Zhuangzi wanted to replace Hui Shi to become the prime minister of the State of Liang
    C: Hui Shi got really angry and ordered a search for the strangers when he heard that Zhuangzi wanted to replace his official position
    D: Instead of being intimidated, Zhuangzi came to meet Hui Shi in person
  • B


    • 0

      What is the relationship between Laozi and Zhuangzi according to Lin Yutang? A: Zhuangzi is a colleague of Laozi B: Zhuangzi actually disagrees Laozi C: Laozi is a rival of Zhuagnzi D: Laozi is followed by Zhuagnzi

    • 1

      吞噬(shì、不是读成 shí)

    • 2


    • 3

      Why did King Yuan of Song feel curious about Craftsman Shi according to the fable the Craftsman’s Perfect Skill with His Perfect Partner?? Because Craftsman Shi was good at repairing buildings|Because there was a bit of lime dropped on Craftsman Shi’s nose|Because Craftsman Shi chopped off the lime on the nose of the Ying man without hurting him|Because Craftsman Shi had a mysterious power to create wind

    • 4

      Which of the following is NOT Mr. Brown’s complaint? ________ A: Wang Hui was walking a little too fast. B: Little time was left for the tourists to enjoy the scenery. C: Wang Hui spoke too loud at the scenic sites. D: Wang Hui’s voice was too low at the scenic sites.