对(得到)第二名感到羞愧be the second place
- in a split second第二名
- 古代,第一名叫“状元”,第二名叫“榜眼”,第三名叫_______。In ancient China, the first place was called “Zhuangyuan”, the second place was called “Bangyan”, and the third place was called_______. A:
- Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. A: 不必为失败而感到羞愧。 B: 失败没什么,只是感到羞愧。 C: 虽然失败了,但没感到羞愧。
- Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. A: 不必为失败而感到羞愧。 B: 失败没什么,只是感到羞愧。 C: 虽然失败了,但没感到羞愧。 D: 虽然失败了,但还有什么可以感到羞愧的。
- 广义第二价格规则中,第一名扣费是按照第二名出价*下一名质量分/我的质量分加()扣费