• 2022-05-28
    abundant abandon transform scheme remote expertise steep innovation Hygiene filter spare cultivate 1. Children should have glasses which _________ out UV rays.
  • filter


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      Confucius believed the basic goal of education was to cultivate “persons of virtue,” who should have __________ and _____________.

    • 1

      There is a/an ___________ supply of cheap labor.( ) A: abundant B: abandon C: edundant

    • 2

      The invisible rays of the()beyond the violet end are called the ultraviolet rays. A: speculation B: spectrum C: sleet D: range

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      ______(请务必做到) no children should lean out of the window.

    • 4

      What is your objective on Gear Up Gear 1: Customers? A: Find out how many customers there are for your innovation B: Find out the customer’s “pain” or problem C: Find out how much of a price discount the Late Majority customers want before they will buy D: Find out which competitor’s products the customers are comparing with your innovation E: Find out how long it will take for your innovation to reach “Main Street”