• 2021-04-14
    The purpose of diversification is to _________
  • reduce the volatility of a portfolio


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      Which of the below is not an advantage of globalisation? A: Demand for Protectionism B: Economies of scale C: Business diversification D: Brand-building

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      Diversification is the strategy of company growth by starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company’s current products and markets. ( )

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      How to make a specific purpose specific and clear? A: express the specific purpose as a statement B: express the specific purpose as a question C: put the specific purpose as a full infinitive phrase D: put the specific purpose as a full declarative sentence

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      Indigo,acompanythatmanufactureselectricchimneys,isbasedinthecountryofTerrania.Indigoaimstoincreaseitssalesbyincreasingadvertisingeffortsandundertakingfrequentpromotionalevents.WhichofthefollowingstrategiesisIndigousinginthisscenario? A: market penetration B: market development C: downsizing D: diversification E: product development

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      When Ian was injured, Harry was chosen as last-minute _______ for the rugby team. A: preference B: diversification C: alternative D: replacement