• 2022-05-28
    A: each
    and every person; everybody.
    B: a
    flat part of a plant or tree that grows from the stem or branch. A
    __________ is usually green.
    C: the
    study of the way the words of a language are put together and used
    for communication.
    D: a
    thing or person that does well.
  • D


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      If<br/>one thing or person ______ another, they look like or<br/>be similar to each other.

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      education() A: the<br/>act or process of giving or receiving instruction. B: the<br/>direction or way along which something moves. C: the<br/>thing that is written or spoken about. D: the<br/>work that a person does to earn money; profession.

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      satisfaction <br/>( ) A: the work a<br/>person does to earn a living; profession. B: a pleasant<br/>feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. C: almost; just<br/>about but not quite. D: to have a low<br/>opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by<br/>"of").

    • 3

      beauty ( ) A: a distinct, novel<br/>idea that has been arrived at through consideration. B: a person in a<br/>novel, play, poem, or the like. C: a person or thing<br/>with such a quality, especially a woman. D: a representation<br/>or copy, often smaller than the original and used as a guide to<br/>making a thing in full size.

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      Our<br/>team will meet with each person to learn about his or her (person) ______ and<br/>vocational<br/>goals.