经过scalene fissure的结构有:
- __________,<br/>explorers could never have found the cave. A: But for the<br/>fissure had been spotted B: If not the<br/>fissure had been spotted C: Had the fissure<br/>not been spotted D: Had not the<br/>fissure been spotted
- 有迷走神经经过的解剖结构是
- Any public<br/>_____ of this information would be very damaging to the company. A: composure B: acupressure C: disclosure D: fissure
- volcano is to lava as () A: geyser is to water B: fault is to tremor C: glacier is to fissure D: avalanche is to snow E: cavern is to limestone
- Which of the followings is the predilection site of the caries?() A: the developmental groove B: the fissure C: the accessory groove D: the fossa E: all of the above
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中国大学MOOC: 经过肝门的结构有哪些
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下列结构经过屈肌支持带前面的有( )
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中国大学MOOC: 脑脊液循环途径中经过结构有
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中国大学MOOC: 经过梨状肌下孔的结构有
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