Sheldon is a ME MEE.
- 在视频《情侣之间可以互看手机吗》的《生活大爆炸》的片段里,Amy生气的原因是: A: Sheldon不把秘密告诉她 B: Sheldon把他的秘密告诉朋友和同事 C: Sheldon把他们的性生活告诉同事,令Amy尴尬 D: Sheldon把食堂打饭的阿姨当作好朋友
- Oliver Sheldon referred to this division of thought as the management theory jungle.
- “mee”是什么意思? A: 线 B: 话 C: 嫂子 D: 界限
- mee是什么意思 A: 界限,边界 B: 妈妈 C: 我俩 D: 你们
- Dear Ms. Marry Mee is an example of ( ). A: Complimentary close B: Salutation C: Recipient
- 0
A: Hi, my name is Peter Green, glad to mee youB: Nice to meet you
- 1
Nice to mee you A: 很高兴见到你 B: 你好么 C: 最近怎么样 D: 下次见
- 2
What order did Miss Stewart and her friend Harrytake? A: Aglass of ginger ale with ice. B: California chablis. C: Mee krob. D: Bubbing wine.
- 3
They offered a job that I like. A: me B: to me C: with me D: me to
- 4
X5、V1尊享、V1乐享、MEE、D1,TDS探针的数量分别是?() A: 23312 B: 33322 C: 13311 D: 32211