• 2022-05-28
    The faster anything goes up into the sky, ________.
    A: it reaches the highest
    B: it reaches the higher
    C: the highest it reaches
    D: the higher it reaches
  • D


    • 0

      The river flows quietly in its upper reaches, however, in its middle reaches it splits the Loess ___________in half. Therefore, it carries a large amount of silt into the lower reaches.

    • 1

      The pressure inside the heart reaches its highest value at () A: End of atrial contraction B: End of isovolumetric contraction C: Rapid ejection phase D: End of isovolumetric relaxation E: End of ventricular filling

    • 2

      As a singer, her strength ______ her musical expressions. A: reaches out for B: resides in C: serves as D: picks up

    • 3

      The number of the guests who _____________(invite) to the wedding reaches 800.

    • 4

      I'll catch up with Lucy before she ____ the finishing line. A: reach B: is reaching C: reaches in D: will reach