企业的会计期间是( )。The accounting period of an enterprise is ( ).
- 企业的会计期间是( )。The accounting period of an enterprise is ( ). A: 自然形成的 Naturally formed B: 人为划分的Artificially divided C: 一个周转过程A turnover process D: 营业年度Business year
- 下列选项中,属于反映企业财务状况的会计要素的是( )。Which of the following accounting elements reflect the financial situation of an enterprise ( ).
- The accounting reporting period agrees to the calendar year. ()
- The cash basis of accounting commonly results in financial statements<br/>that are less comparable from period to period than the accrual basis<br/>of accounting ____ A: True B: False
- A factory uses an integrated accounting system to record their costs. The wages control account for the last accounting period shows the following entries:<br/>What is the indirect labour cost for last accounting period? A: $70,000 B: $230,000 C: $246,000 D: $300,000