equity in a business increases as a result of which of the
following? ()
A: Payments
of cash to the owners.
B: Losses
from unprofitable operation of the business.
C: Earnings
from profitable operation of the business.
D: Borrowing
from a commercial bank.
equity in a business increases as a result of which of the
following? ()
A: Payments
of cash to the owners.
B: Losses
from unprofitable operation of the business.
C: Earnings
from profitable operation of the business.
D: Borrowing
from a commercial bank.
- 3.26()State<br/>whether the following are non-current assets, current assets,<br/>liabilities, capital or drawings. A: A delivery van B: Money owed to a supplier C: A mortgage owed to a bank D: Money put into the business bank by the owner of the business E: Profit made by a business F: Money owed by a customer G: Unsold goods H: Money taken from the business bank account by the owner of a<br/>business.
- The accounting concept that requires every business to be accounted for separately from other business entities, including its owner or owners is known as the: () A: Going-concern<br/>assumption. B: Business entity assumption. C: Objectivity principle. D: Cost<br/>Principle.
- Which<br/>of the following is true about linked list implementation of stack?<br/>() A: In<br/>push operation, if new nodes are inserted at the beginning of linked<br/>list, then in pop operation, nodes must be removed from end. B: In<br/>push operation, if new nodes are inserted at the end, then in pop<br/>operation, nodes must be removed from the beginning. C: Both<br/>of the above D: None<br/>of the above
- 9 The company<br/>has been ______ from a family business to a stock<br/>company.
- In<br/>a reverse stock split:() A: the<br/>number of shares outstanding increases and owners’ equity<br/>decreases. B: the<br/>firm buys back existing shares of stock on the open market. C: the<br/>firm sells new shares of stock on the open market. D: the<br/>number of shares outstanding decreases but owners’ equity is<br/>unchanged. E: shareholders<br/>make a cash payment to the firm.