• 2022-05-29
    Mike doesn’t run as ____ as his brother.
    A: fastest
    B: faste
    C: fast
    D: more fast
  • C


    • 0

      I can run as as fast as you can. A: fast B: faster C: fastest D: the fastest

    • 1

      _______ the temperature, _______ water turns into steam. A: The high, the fast B: Higher, faste C: The more higher, the faste D: The higher, the faste

    • 2

      Who runs ________in your class? A: faster B: fastest C: more fast D: most fast

    • 3

      He was late for the class today because he didn't run ______ catch the bus. A: enough fast to B: fast enough to C: fast enough D: enough fast

    • 4

      Could you come_____? Don‘t be late for the class. A: fast B: be fast C: much faster D: more fast