• 2022-05-30
    ________is seventy-seven.
    A: forty and four
    B: thirty-seven and forty
    C: forty or thirty-seven
    D: seventy of seven
  • B


    • 0

      ___ thirty and ten? It’s forty? A: What B: What’s C: How

    • 1

      How many fast food restaurants are there in the USA A: One hundred B: Seventy thousand C: Seventeen thousand D: Seven hundred

    • 2

      Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills ______ people each year than automobile accidents. A. seven more times B. seven times more C. over seven times D. more seven times A: seven more times seven times more C. over seven times D. more seven times B: seven times more over seven times D. more seven times C: over seven times more seven times D: more seven times

    • 3

      The evening news comes on at seven o"clock and ______ only thirty minutes. A: keeps B: continues C: finishes D: lasts

    • 4

      When shall we meet again() A: Is seven thirty OK. B: At the same place. C: 4 hours. D: Sure.