• 2022-05-30
    What will listeners hear next
    A: Information about a government ceremony
    B: Thoughts on political candidates
    C: A report on local traffic delays
    D: A speech by the mayor
  • B


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      What are they talking about() A: A speech on TV. B: A meeting with the President. C: A report in the newspaper. D: A telephone meeting.

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      What will probably happen next A: The speaker will talk about his experiences. B: Listeners will read a report. C: The speaker will give a performance. D: Listeners will take part in an exercise.

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      What will the listeners probably do next A: Check out a Web site B: Meet with government officials C: Review some printouts D: Attend a convention

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      What will probably happen next A: Information will be printed out. B: The listeners Will split into groups. C: A series of designs will be presented. D: Individual tasks will be assigned.

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      What is the notice mainly about A: Local parks B: Event information C: Places to shop D: Menu choices