- 我们每个人都要努力学习,以跟上时代的新发展。 A: Everyoneofusshouldstudyhardtokeepwiththedevelopmentsofthetime. B: Everyoneofusshouldstudyhardtokeepuptodatewiththelatestdevelopmentsofthetime. C: Everyoneofusstudieshardsotheykeepuptodatewiththelatestdevelopmentsofthetime.
- 我们每个人都要努力学习,以跟上时代的新发展。 A: Every one of us should study hard to keep up to date for the latest developments of the time. B: Every one of us should study hard to keep up to date in the latest developments of the time. C: Every one of us should study hard to keep up to date with the latest developments of the time.
- 我们推进发展的根本目的就是跟上时代潮流。
- 技术是知识,是可传授的,为此,我们每个人都要努力学习,掌握所有的技术,成为全才。
- 不论是成就自己的人生理想,还是担当时代的神圣使命,青年都要珍惜韶华、不负青春,努力学习掌握科学知识,提高内在素质,锤炼过硬本领,使自己的()认识水平跟上越来越快的时代发展。 A: 思维视野 B: 思想观念 C: 思想意识