• 2022-05-30
    I don’t understand this homework. Can you help _______, please?
    A: I
    B: my
    C: me
  • C


    • 0

      Can you help me I can' t find my key () the door anywhere. A: with B: in C: to

    • 1

      I can’t go to the park with you, as I haven’t finished my homework and I’ll help my mother with the housework ________. A: in addition B: at all C: for example D: by the way

    • 2

      I can't understand this letter. A: A. Would you like some help B: B. Don't you know C: C. I suppose you can.

    • 3

      -I hope you don't mind my smoking here. I really can't help it. -- _______.( ) A: Oh, of course. B: Not at all. C: Well, I can help you. D: You are welcome.

    • 4

      1. You _______ help me if you don’t have time. I can do the job myself.