• 2021-04-14
    The process during which you submit your luggage and get your boarding pass is called ______.
  • check-in


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      This part of the writing process involves actually writing your essay. During this stage, you should not worry about writing the “ perfect paper. ” Your goal during this step is to get your ideas down on paper. Prewriting

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      中国大学MOOC:"If you have already got your connection tickes, you needn't reprint your boarding pass in the stopover.";

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      You don’t need to show the boarding pass on your way to board the plane. ( )

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      Could you show me your boarding pass? boarding pass的意思是? A: 登机牌 B: 证件 C: 护照 D: 机票

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      When you are boarding on the plane, you need to show your ( ). A: credit card B: passport C: boarding pass D: ID card