• 2022-05-30
    How do people in China greet each other?
    A: a hug
    B: only a smile
    C: a handshake
    D: a simple and kind salutation
  • C,D


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      In China, it is usually acceptable to __________ to greet people you know. A: hello B: hug C: handshake D: shake hands

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      How do people greet each other when they...8 p.m. respectively?

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      中国大学MOOC: How do Chinese people greet each other? ( )

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      --- How do people greet each other in China? --- ________ A: By kissing and hugging B: By bowing from the waist C: By putting palms together D: By shaking hands

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      中国大学MOOC: In most cases, how do people greet each other? ( )