Credit cards, smart cards and funds held in online accounts that can be transferred over the internet and so on. This refers to _______________that is stored and processed through computer system or electronic payment system.
A: credit money
B: representative money
C: depository money
D: commodity money
A: credit money
B: representative money
C: depository money
D: commodity money
- 中国大学MOOC: Credit cards, smart cards and funds held in online accounts that can be transferred over the internet and so on. This refers to _______________that is stored and processed through computer system or electronic payment system.
- There are many types of money: commodity money, __________________ and credit money.
- What __________ do they have in Britain? Euros? A: money B: pay C: currency D: credit cards
- You can use credit cards but it’s best to take some currency as well. ( ) A: coupon B: money C: coin D: dime
- When traveling, you are advised to take credit cards, ______is more convenient than carrying money in cash. A: that B: which C: it D: this