A: that
B: sothat
C: until
A: that
B: sothat
C: until
- Hedidn’tgotoschoolyesterdayhewasill. A: sothat B: because C: though D: justas
- Hedidn’tgohome___hefinishedthework. A: since B: if C: because D: until
- Hedidn’tgotobedlastnight____hefinishedhishomework. A: while B: since C: until D: because
- Hedidn’tgohome_______hefinishedthework. A: until B: unless C: when D: before
- Someinternationalstudents(use)acassetterecorder(tomake)tapesoftheirclasses(sothat)theycanrepeatthelectures(again). A: use B: tomake C: sothat D: again