Yu Wenyong initiated a reform to confiscate the land of 40,000 temples.
- Why are there eight ancestral temples in Heshun? A: Han people liked temples. B: Han people think the temples are beautiful. C: Han people built their own temples in memory of their ancestors. D: Han people were forced to build temples.
- Henry Ⅱ is best remembered for his reform of ________.( ) A: laws B: courts C: religion D: land
- (5)借入短期借款40 000元,已存入银行开立的账户。 A: 借:银行存款 40 000 贷:短期借款 40 000 B: 借:短期借款 40 000 贷:银行存款 40 000 C: 借:银行存款 40 000 贷:短期贷款 40 000 D: 借:短期贷款 40 000 贷:银行存款 40 000
- 企业发放本月职工工资40000元,应编制的会计分录是()。 A: 借:管理费用 40 000 贷:应付工资 40 000 B: 借:应付工资 40 000 贷:管理费用 40 000 C: 借:现金 40 000 贷:应付工资 40 000 D: 借:应付工资 40 000 贷:现金 40 000
- 赣江有限责任公司向银行借款40 000元,利率6%,期限六个月,到期一次还本付息,所借款项存入银行。其会计分录为( )。 A: 借:银行存款 40 000 贷:银行借款 40 000 B: 借:银行存款 40 000 贷:短期借款 40 000 C: 借:银行借款 40 000 贷:银行存款 40 000 D: 借:短期借款 40 000 贷:银行存款 40 000