• 2021-04-14
  • 第一空:#not#more#than


    • 0

      I have to _______ that I have deceived you for more than twelve years.

    • 1

      My hometown is a hundred mile _________ away from here. A: less than B: morethan C: or else D: or so

    • 2

      The second stage of laborina primiparawithout epidural anesthesia should last nomore than A: 1 hour B: 2 hours C: 3 hours D: 1.5 hours

    • 3

      选词填空:This is more than a(n) ____ apple. A: ordinary B: normal C: order

    • 4

      下列程序的运行结果是( )。t = 0 while t < 5: print(t, " is less than 5") t = t + 1else: print(t, " is not less than 5") A: 0 is less than 51 is less than 52 is less than 53 is less than 54 is less than 55 is not less than 5 B: 1 is less than 52 is less than 53 is less than 54 is less than 55 is less than 55 is not less than 5 C: 0 is less than 51 is less than 52 is less than 53 is less than 54 is less than 5 D: 1 is less than 52 is less than 53 is less than 54 is less than 55 is less than 5