A: Bush hopes Gore to join his administration.
B: Bush hopes Gore to concede defeat and to support him.
C: Bush hopes Gore to congratulate him.
D: Bush hopes Gore go on fighting with him.
- 在2000年的Bush vs. Gore案中,最高法院否决了重新计票的要求,其判决依据是什么?
- It seems that Jacky White will ______. A: not do business with Mr. Bush B: be angry with Mr. Bush C: never speak to Mr. Bush D: continue his business contact with Mr. Bush
- The next day when I went to meet John, I almost failed to _____ him in his Australian bush hat.
- An artist hopes that the public will ______. A: understand him and learn from him B: notice only shapes and colors in his work C: teach him something interesting D: believe what he says in his work
- Mr. Bush, together with his wife and daughter _____ going to Japan next week.
- 0
“Ships in the Desert” is taken from Al Gore's first book _________. A: Earth in the Balance B: An Inconvenient Truth C: An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power D: Al Gore: Fighting for a Greener Planet
- 1
The election could actually end up being decided in the U.S. Congress. Al Gore’s vice presidential running mate, Joe Lieberman, and perhaps Mr. Gore himself, would be able to vote on the matter. Some would argue that they should recuse themselves, but they would probably exercise their right to vote. What does “recuse” mean? A: step aside and not be involved B: admit that you are wrong C: leave the country D: insist on being heard
- 2
NO BOSSES AT W L. GORe ASSOCIATESConsiDering whAt you know ABout in DiviDuAl DierenCes su Ch As personAlity, whAt types of employees might AvorABly to Gore ' s lACk of hierarChy?
- 3
NO BOSSES AT W L. GORe ASSOCIATESHow woulD you ChArACterize Gore orgAnizAtionAl stru Chure using terms from this Chapter? For exAmple. is it me ChAnistiC or orgAniC? How might this stru Cure influen Ce Gore s strAtegy?
- 4
NO BOSSES AT W L. GORe ASSOCIATESHow might Gore s orgAnizAtionAI Design AffeCt its relAtionships with externAl CompAnies thAt Are more hierarchical in nAture?