• 2022-05-30
    According to paragraphs 3—6, how strong is the author’s support of eating together in workplace?
    A: Weak.
    B: Neutral.
    C: Strong.
    D: Unknown.
  • C


    • 0

      According to the last two paragraphs, the author supports his point of view by __________. A: giving advice of taking a midday lunch break together B: reviewing the PC’s AD mentioned at the beginning to wrap up C: suggesting a lunch break solution of nudging colleagues eating together D: giving examples from two future-oriented high-tech companies to add validity

    • 1

      With an intense will to recover, the patient follows the doctor’s orders quite willingly. A: a weak B: a gentle C: a strong

    • 2

      According to the passage, the poll numbers indicate that ________. A: Bush'ss standing with the public is very strong B: Bush's economic package wins widespread support C: public support for Bush is declining D: Bush is on the brink of political disaster

    • 3

      Both the two teams are very strong. In this sentence, “strong” means________.

    • 4

      <strong>Elige</strong><strong>la</strong><strong>interpretación</strong><strong>más</strong><strong>adecuada</strong><strong>según</strong><strong>el</strong><strong>texto:</strong><strong>(1×4=4</strong><strong>puntos)</strong><br/>Elmododecrearelambienteyelpersonaje_____. A: cambiasóloenunsiglo B: cambiaconstantemente C: cambiapocodurantelossiglos