• 2021-04-14
    If one words ends with a plosive, and the next word begins with a plosive, can we hold the final consonant as we connect the first plosive.
  • Yes


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      Please pick out the word in which the plosive is unaspirated.

    • 1

      Pick out the expression where incomplete plosive happens 2 times.

    • 2

      The act of joining the neighboring sounds together is _____. A: liaison B: assimilation C: incomplete plosive D: ‍open syllable

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Generally speaking, plosive sounds undergo three stages: the closing stage, the compression stage and the __________ stage.

    • 4

      Generally speaking, plosive sounds undergo three stages: the closing stage, the compression stage and the __________ stage.‍‍‌‍ A: release B: unreleased C: aspirated D: unaspirated