• 2022-05-29
    the lung is blood stasis, The macrophages that appear in the
    cytoplasm of the cytoplasm contain brown-yellow pigment particles are
    A: Dust
    B: Alveolar
    C: Foreign
    body giant cell
    D: Monocytes
    E: Heart
    failure cells
  • E


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      The<br/>most common etiology of the infectious myocarditis is:() A: Rickettsial<br/>myocarditis B: Viral<br/>myocarditis C: Diphtheritic<br/>myocarditis D: Chagas<br/>disease E: Giant<br/>cell myocarditis

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      What<br/>is heart failure? () A: condition in which the heart stops beating B: condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the<br/>body's needs C: heart<br/>attack D: condition in which the patient experiences chest pain E: none<br/>of above

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      Complex<br/>of DNA and proteins that makes up the chromosomes in a eukaryotic<br/>cell is called ______ .

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      【植】以下细胞中发育潜能最大的是()。 A: Totipotent<br/>stem cell B: Pluripotent<br/>stem cell C: Oligopotent<br/>stem cell D: Unipotent<br/>stem cell

    • 4

      Which of the following is NOT true of interleukins? () A: They<br/>are cytokines which can be produced by various cells of the immune<br/>system. B: They<br/>are hormones which allow one cell to communicate with another cell. C: They<br/>are in need of receptors on the target cell in order to mediate their<br/>effects. D: They<br/>are able bind antigen with a high level of specificity. E: They<br/>are able to modulate various aspects of the B-cell arm of immune<br/>system.