The bile pigment can be generated from
A: Hb
B: Mb
C: cytochrome
D: peroxidase
E: catalase
A: Hb
B: Mb
C: cytochrome
D: peroxidase
E: catalase
- The bile pigment that can enter enterohepatic circulation is A: biliverdin B: bilirubin C: bilinogen D: stercobilin E: urobilin
- The pigment that absorb the red and far-red light in plant is . A: cytochrome B: xanthophylls C: phytochrome D: caratene
- Which of the following is not the characteristic of pigment epithelial cells. A: Derived from neuroectoderm B: Contains a lot of melanin particles C: Phagocytic function D: Storages vitamin A E: Can synthesize visual pigment
- In the fusion reaction of elements formed in the universe, carbon nuclei can be directly generated from helium nuclei. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 阿特拉斯破碎锤分为()个系列。 A: SB B: MB C: HB D: SD E: DS