• 2022-05-29
    What is package holiday?
    A: You have to visit a few places with entrance tickets included.
    B: Your transport, hotel and itinerary are pre-arranged for you.
    C: You can take cheap cruise ships for sightseeing.
    D: You travel only on holidays.
  • B


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      If you only for a few minutes to pick up mails, you can unlock your door.

    • 1

      Ive found some pictures of the most interesting places you can visit during the winter holidays. A: where B: which C: what D: that

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      Take notes in a way that will help you not only to remember and use what you have read but also to further your own thinking.( )

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      You can only ________ 100 dollars for your travel expenses.

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      If you have enough time and want to visit some places off the beaten track, ____travel may offer you more freedom and flexibility.