• 2022-05-30
    This shabby house is ______ many of my childhood memories.
    A: geared up for
    B: adapted to
    C: associated with
    D: linked by
  • C


    • 0

      His shabby house was in a terrible ____ and smelled badly.

    • 1

      Memories of childhood ______ from person to person. A: vary B: varied C: various

    • 2

      19. Yellow Flowers in the field always ____ me ____ my childhood in the countryside. (A) A: remind of B: hang up C: slow down D: add to

    • 3

      Memories of his unhappy childhood still ____ him. A: locker B: breeze C: blurt D: haunt

    • 4

      1. He was ________ by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adult life.