• 2022-05-29
    When fluid currents are produced by external sources , the solid-to-fluid heat transfer is termed .
    A: free convection
    B: natural convection
    C: forced convection
  • C


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      传热的基本方式有( )(Conduction)、热对流(Convection)和热辐射(radiation)

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      ‍传热的基本方式有( )(Conduction)、热对流(Convection)和热辐射(radiation)‏‍‏

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      When the system vibrates in a fluid medium, the damping is ( )a)Viscous b) Columb c)Solid d)Fluid A: None B: None C: None D: None

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      万能蒸烤炉的基本功能有 。 A: steaming B: roasting C: convection D: frying

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      Birds orient themselves carefully with regard to the sun and gently ________ their wings to increase convection (气流对流) cooling.