• 2022-05-29
    On mange du pain ____ France.
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      De quelle course parle l'auteur de ce texte ? A: Le Rallye Monte-Carlo. B: Le Tour de France automobile. C: Les 24 Heures du Mans. D: Le championnat du monde des rallyes.

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      Je mange beaucoup de légumes, mais il les mange peu.

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      Which of the following is NOT tree of the Hundred Years War(). A: A war between France and England. B: It was conventionally dated 1337 - 1453. C: The Englist kings attempted to dominate France. D: All English conquests had been solidified by 1453.

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      目前,谁拥有奥比昂酒庄? A: 法国总统 le Président de la France B: 法国国王 le Roi de la France C: 摩纳哥王妃 la Princesse de Monaco D: 卢森堡王子 le Prince du Luxembourg

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      Why does the man's nephew want to go to France? A: Because he used to live in France. B: Because he likes chatting with French people. C: Because he studies French at school. D: Because he likes French food.