• 2021-04-14
    The basic _______ of an invitation card should include the inviter, the invitee, the purpose of the invitation, and the time and place of the event.
  • elements


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      The content of an invitation letter usually includes ___________. A: introducing oneself B: sending invitation C: introducing the event and relevant details D: expressing a strong wish that the invitee can accept the invitation

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      ‎The content of an invitation letter usually includes ___________.‎ A: introducing oneself B: sending invitation C: introducing the event and relevant details D: expressing a strong wish that the invitee can accept the invitation

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      Your invitation letter must contain__________?( ) A: place B: time C: Wechat number D: event

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      中国大学MOOC: To write an invitation card, we need figure out what an invitation card should _____________

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      The content of an invitation letter usually include ___________. A: introducing oneself and sending invitation B: introducing the conference and relevant details C: expressing a strong wish that the invitee can accept the invitation D: all of the above